Who Am I?


Hello all, my name is Seán Kavanagh and this is my blog. The reason for me making this blog is that this is a college assignment of sorts, mostly a way for me to share my thoughts and updates on one of my modules, specifically Intro To Digital Media. In this we learn about online media outlets and also how to keep our own data safe. I'll be doing this in the semester leading up to Christmas. So far this course is actually proving to be pretty interesting with the aid of the never ending enthusiasm of my lecturer, Shaun. of course this is far from being a bad thing as it makes the course interesting, fun to learn, and makes me look forward to coming in.

About Me

So as I have already mentioned my real name is Seán Kavanagh and not Kavo, however that is a nickname that I go by quite often and was given to me by a teacher I had way back in First Year of secondary school. As of this post I'm eighteen years of age in my first year of college in a course called Creative Digital Media and it's safe to say I'm loving it so far.  I've lived in Dublin my whole life and hope to keep up that trend for the foreseeable future. I've worked as a lifeguard for the last two and a half years after being offered a job in TY following a work experience placement. I'm hoping to move up the ladder a small bit there by becoming a swim teacher with a course I'm doing at the moment. Following the Leaving Cert I didn't want to waste anytime with gap years or anything like that but head straight to college which is what I did. Even though CDM wasn't my first choice I'm still extremely happy I got an offer to come here and plan to make the most of my short four years in this course. I have no major plans for the future, I mostly just take each day with a grain of salt and let what happens happen, but I do plan to stick with college and work and simply see where time takes me.

That's all I have for not unfortunately but I'll be posting update after update on how I'm doing with my various assignments and tasks I'l be set in college.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed,


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