Mission 1 - Creativity


Starting out on this mission we were required to choose between a number of topics that all fell under the heading of Creativity. as a group, we decided to pick the topic of Digital Audio. Once we were happy with the topic we chose we got straight to work. On the introdm.cdmonline.ie website we used the links provided as resources to help us figure out the best possible way to outline our research process and to demonstrate our findings on Digital Audio. 
After reviewing each source we went with the idea of making a podcast about college life and our thoughts so far. Our main aim while making this podcast was for it to be opinionated but also to make something that could be enjoyed and is fun to listen to.
Before recording the podcast, a plan was made with different topics about college life for us to talk about during our podcast such as transport, facilities, and many other things. We also carried out research on the history of Digital Audio to go along with the podcast and also our presentation. We tracked Digital Audio back to the first telephone and all the way to present day with the thousands of developments and advancements that have happened over the years. When we were all happy with the topics we wanted to talk about we set out on recording our podcast. 
We managed to find a free room in the college which was perfect for us to record in and finalise our podcast. To be sure that we had enough recordings to outline our goal of talking about college life, we recorded us talking for almost a full hour. 
We talked about college life as a whole. As we were only a few weeks into college we started out by talking about how we were all settling in so far. We moved onto talking about our different transport routes to college, for example have to get a bus that takes around 45 minutes where the others in my group can walk to the college in around 15 minutes, and also the shuttle bus going to and from the Blanchardstown Shopping Centre that a lot of other students use. The more we talked the more topics and opinions we discussed such as our modules, which ones we liked or didn't like and ones we were getting good at, the facilities available to us like the MAC and photography labs, the canteen, and the gym.
When we finished our recording process we got straight to editing the audio. We kept in what was relevant and cut out what we thought didn't match our original goal. We edited our audio files together using an editing software called Audacity. Through Audacity we were able to edit the podcast to our liking and were able to put the final touches on the audio, including an intro, outro, and a backing track to go along with the podcast. As soon as the edits were to our satisfaction we were finished and uploaded the final product to moodle.


For the topic or Digital Audio we decided as a group to make a new podcast where we would talk about college life and the college as a whole. Using WhatsApp and Slack we were able to create group chats and keep in contact with each other. In these group chats were kept each other updated on our research and any new ideas that we had for the podcast. We also kept all of our research in a shared google slides document where we added all research in preparation of making the presentation that would be revealed in front of the rest of our class group.
Our research for the project conducted of the history of Digital Audio and listening to other popular podcasts such as the Joe Rogan podcast and the H3H3 podcast. Being a regular listener of the H3H3 podcast I already had a rough idea of what standard our podcast should be at. Although we knew that we would not make a podcast on par or better than that of the professional podcasts we listened to for research, we still wanted to make a good podcast that was up to a high standard.
To get ready for recording we first had to find a to find a room that was suitable for us to record in, which meant as little echo as possible and as little background noise as possible. We needed to be in a room alone as trying to record in a class with other people around or in a crowded area wouldn't have been possible to record in. Surely enough we found a room and got to recording.
Once we talked about each of our topics we got to editing. Using a free editing software called Audacity we were able to cut and edit the audio to our liking. We added an intro, outro, backing track, and also add effects such as fades in and fades out.
Using our group chats on WhatsApp and Slack we were able to arrange meet ups to start compiling all of our research and audio together to form a presentation. Using the computers and study areas in the college library. Our slides were split up into three different sections; history of Digital Audio, our podcast, and our goals.
The presentation started with the history of Digital Audio. We talked about where Digital Audio began and how it has progressed over the years. We briefly showed the progression from the first telephone, to the first computer, to the first iPod. Next, we talked about our own podcast and its production. In this section we put in more detail as it was our product for this mission, showing the whole process and what it took for us to make the project. Finally, we talked about our goals for this mission and what we learned along the way. Here we also talked about whether or not we managed to achieve or goals and aims for this mission.
Once we were all happy with the design and contents of the presentation, we applied the finishing touches and were in possession of a completed product.


Over the course of this mission I have learned a large number of things, mostly my learning has led me to have a better understanding and appreciation for Digital Audio. Before starting this mission I had a brief idea of what the term "Digital Audio" meant, but now after developing my knowledge I have a much better understanding of what this term actually means now.
Making the podcast as the product for this mission turned out to much more enjoyable than I thought. The entire process was a whole new experience as I had never done any kind of audio recording or editing, but it was the editing that I found to be the best part. Cutting audio and adding in extra tracks, trying to make up my own background music and seeing what fits with our podcast was by far my favourite part. I think I enjoyed this the most because it was something entirely new for me, but instead of using a guide or a manual the help me along the way I decided to just play around with the software myself. 
As most people tend to be quite nervous presenting a project or idea in front of other, I felt the same in the lead up to my presentation. I was nervous about possibly forgetting things to say or having my voice go all over the place while talking and after a rocky start to my presentation my internal tensions were worsening. But to my surprise when it was my turn to present all went better than expected. No wobbly voice or forgetting information were to be found, but instead I felt calm and collected and managed to say my piece with ease. Looking back I am extremely happy with how my performance went and am still quite shocked with how well it all went. But I still carried this new found confidence in presenting through to the rest of my presentations.
Overall I am extremely happy with how the podcast performed and the grade that was given to my group. However, I do feel that the process of making the podcast could have been much better coordinated. We planned out all of our topics and subtopics that we wanted to talk about and discuss all relating to the Blanchardstown campus and college life. As much as we tried to stick to our topics as best as we could and also to talk about each and every topic that we had written down, we did manage to deviate from our tasks and lose track of what we were supposed to be talking about. However, this was our only real hiccup that we had while recording the podcast. The editing went smoothly and was able to be finished in no time. The slideshow presentation was very similar. Once we had all of our research gathered up and podcast recorded, we collected all of the data together and made up the slideshow to demonstrate our findings on Digital Audio on the product of our research.


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